Thursday, August 8, 2019

Contemporary Art Form Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contemporary Art Form - Essay Example The essay "Contemporary Art Form" discovers the form of contemporary art. Our society today affects each one of us in different ways, while we can’t tackle all the problems our worlds face head on; we may use our art to defuse one problem at a time in our own introspective personal way. Used as a solution, contemporary art gives an issue the identity of the artist. On a personal level I have always had an aversion to any form of racism. With education and the spread of knowledge many great minds once thought discriminatory behavior could be diminished to a small quantity, if not ceased completely. However, this was not the case, as even in the age of information our societies continue to evolve into new avenues for hate and prejudice, and this trend will seemingly continue. What I’ve realized over the course of time studying different people is that the underlying reason for such attitudes is people’s inability to listen to another and accept differences. People seem to have this innate need to fit their lives into a neat little box where everything is categorically arranged, and when they come across people who do have ideas different than their own, their box is disturbed and ergo begins a process of problems. For any artist who has chosen to make contemporary art his own, his work will always exist on a plane of freedom which conforms to nothing but his own perception of the world at large. It’s a simple thing to tell people to open their minds and open their hearts; this piece of advice is not practical.

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